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Falcon Heights Cleanup and Restoration

Commercial and Residential Damage Cleanup and Repair

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Falcon Heights, MN

SERVPRO of Northeast Minneapolis

24/7 Emergency Service
(54 reviews)
(612) 421-2040Find Out More ›

When Water, Fire, and Storm Damage Happens in Falcon Heights, We're Ready.

Whether you're looking for restoration, cleaning or construction services in Falcon Heights, we're here to help 24/7.

Falcon Heights is a beautiful, historic neighborhood in Minneapolis. It's known for its tree-lined streets, winding trails and scenic lakeside beaches. The city boasts a diverse population and is home to several thriving businesses, including Como Park Zoo and the University of Minnesota - St Paul. Falcon Heights is also home to SERVPRO of Nor...

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customers are saying

SERVPRO was professional from start to finish. Seth and his team worked tirelessly to communicate with us and answer all of your questions. They were always on time and in great spirits. Service like SERVPRO provides his becoming harder and harder to find. An outstanding exp...
Pete Z.
I called a few places explaining what we needed to restore our home after a fire incident. It wasn’t until I spoke to SERVPRO that I realized how important it was to hire someone trained specifically to handle situations like mine. Don’t hesitate to enlist your h...
Priscilla P
St Anthony
I worked with SERVPRO when my condo unit flooded - they were truly incredible (arranging the pack/move, water mitigation and process with insurance). I have had a lot of experience moving in my time and none has compared to this in terms of professionalism, service, patience...
Anna B.
We are grateful for the assistance we received from SERVPRO, especially Jesse and Victor. Jesse was here the most from the SERVPRO team and provided great information to us about how the project was coming along. He spent a lot of time working on setting up the room and maki...
My parents are getting older and had a small fire in their home.  I wanted to make sure there weren’t any hidden consequences, so we called the SERVPRO professional team.  They were thorough and explained everything to me as they went along.  I am confid...
Fred R
St Anthony
After an attic fire, we had a massive mess of burned sheetrock and had no idea what to do with the insulation. Your team came in and got started right away on the cleanup and handled all of the structural fixing that needed doing. Fantastic service and friendly restoration t...
Sam H.
St Anthony
SERVPRO was professional from start to finish. Seth and his team worked tirelessly to communicate with us and answer all of your questions. They were always on time and in great spirits. Service like SERVPRO provides his becoming harder and harder to find. An outstanding exp...
Pete Z.
I called a few places explaining what we needed to restore our home after a fire incident. It wasn’t until I spoke to SERVPRO that I realized how important it was to hire someone trained specifically to handle situations like mine. Don’t hesitate to enlist your h...
Priscilla P
St Anthony
I worked with SERVPRO when my condo unit flooded - they were truly incredible (arranging the pack/move, water mitigation and process with insurance). I have had a lot of experience moving in my time and none has compared to this in terms of professionalism, service, patience...
Anna B.
We are grateful for the assistance we received from SERVPRO, especially Jesse and Victor. Jesse was here the most from the SERVPRO team and provided great information to us about how the project was coming along. He spent a lot of time working on setting up the room and maki...
My parents are getting older and had a small fire in their home.  I wanted to make sure there weren’t any hidden consequences, so we called the SERVPRO professional team.  They were thorough and explained everything to me as they went along.  I am confid...
Fred R
St Anthony
We are grateful for the assistance we received from SERVPRO, especially Jesse and Victor. Jesse was here the most from the SERVPRO team and provided great information to us about how the project was coming along. He spent a lot of time working on setting up the room and maki...
My parents are getting older and had a small fire in their home.  I wanted to make sure there weren’t any hidden consequences, so we called the SERVPRO professional team.  They were thorough and explained everything to me as they went along.  I am confid...
Fred R
St Anthony
After an attic fire, we had a massive mess of burned sheetrock and had no idea what to do with the insulation. Your team came in and got started right away on the cleanup and handled all of the structural fixing that needed doing. Fantastic service and friendly restoration t...
Sam H.
St Anthony
SERVPRO was professional from start to finish. Seth and his team worked tirelessly to communicate with us and answer all of your questions. They were always on time and in great spirits. Service like SERVPRO provides his becoming harder and harder to find. An outstanding exp...
Pete Z.
I called a few places explaining what we needed to restore our home after a fire incident. It wasn’t until I spoke to SERVPRO that I realized how important it was to hire someone trained specifically to handle situations like mine. Don’t hesitate to enlist your h...
Priscilla P
St Anthony
I worked with SERVPRO when my condo unit flooded - they were truly incredible (arranging the pack/move, water mitigation and process with insurance). I have had a lot of experience moving in my time and none has compared to this in terms of professionalism, service, patience...
Anna B.
We are grateful for the assistance we received from SERVPRO, especially Jesse and Victor. Jesse was here the most from the SERVPRO team and provided great information to us about how the project was coming along. He spent a lot of time working on setting up the room and maki...

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©Servpro Franchisor, LLC – All services in the U.S. performed by independently owned and operated franchises of Servpro Franchisor, LLC.
©Servpro Industries (Canada) ULC – All services in Canada performed by independently owned and operated franchises of Servpro Industries (Canada) ULC.

Unless otherwise noted, each use of "SERVPRO," “us,” “we,” or “our” throughout servpro.com collectively refers to both the SERVPRO brand and the Servpro Franchise System, which is made up exclusively of independently owned and operated franchise locations.

*#1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based on Commercial and Residential Attitude & Usage Tracking studies. Polling 816 commercial business decision-makers and 1,550 homeowner decision-makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Studies conducted by C&R Research: Oct 2019 and Decision Analyst: Oct 2019.